Thursday 28 February 2008


Buddies who take the Daily Mail could not miss the papers campaign to reduce the number of carrier bags that retailers give to their customers each year with the first seven pages of the paper devoted to banishing the bags – currently in the region of 13 Billion! M&S too are now going to start charging customers for bags.
At first this may seem unconnected to diving and marine life but it is a sad fact that a percentage of these bags find their way into the world’s oceans where they cause terrible damage to marine life. Turtles can get caught up in them or worse, swallow them thinking they are jellyfish and suffer a terrible death as the bags block their digestive system. Whales can become victims as a graphic picture of a Cuviers Beaked Whale shows as it lies dead on a beach having swallowed no less than 23 bags. This is not happening in third world countries but right here in the UK with this particular whale being washed up on the Isle of Mull; thousands of sea birds too are being killed by these bags.
What can we do? Well, apart from reducing the number of bags we use and using the “Bag for Life” schemes run by the supermarkets, the Daily Mail is petitioning the Government and you too can sign the online petition HERE It wont take a moment and it will help prevent the terrible suffering that we inadvertently inflict on marine life and don’t forget to recycle your bags or better still, use a greener alternative.

Read about The Daily Mail Campaign

Sunday 24 February 2008


We have received 2 free tickets for Horsea Island Dive Site. As we have use of our own dive site in Brighton Marina 24/7 these are of no use to us. Any club member who wishes to go can either phone the office, post a comment on the blog or pop in to collect them - it will be on a first come, first served basis.

Sunday 3 February 2008